December 9, 2017
Important announcement about tomorrows (December 10) services at Boones Chapel… BOTH MORNING AND EVENING SERVICES WILL BE AWESOME!!!!
The building will be warm and the parking lot will be dry and safe. Men begin the morning with breakfast at 7:00. There is a Sunday School class expecting each of you and I pray you will make an extra effort to be there at 9:00 am.
During the 6:00 pm service we will revisit the story of how God seemed to really mess up Mary and Joseph’s plans for engagement, marriage and family. What seemed to be a big mess up ended up being the perfect plan of God.
I need your help. If you have a story (testimony) of how things seem to have been “messed up” in your life only to find God used the “mess” to give you a blessing come prepared to share. This will be a very special service as we share together “what to do when God messes up our plans”. Your testimony could give hope to someone struggling this Christmas.
Bro. Phil