BC Kids Ministries include exciting Bible Studies on Sunday mornings at 9:00am (Grouped Grade specific classes)
Our children (1st – 4th) join us for Adult worship and a personal time with Pastor Phil but are quickly escorted to their own area to worship in a way that is exciting and fun in Jr. Church.

Wednesday night offers Team Kids. We begin with dinner for our children 1st – 6th grade at 6:00. Children eat in the classrooms with their teachers in a family dinner time setting while adults can dine in our fellowship hall. Wednesday meals are $4.00 per person or $12.00 for a family of 4 or more. They begin Bible lessons at 6:30. Team kids also has a preschool age classes from ages 3yrs old to Kindergarten. This age group eat dinner in the fellowship hall with their family and can enjoy play time in the Children’s Worship room until 6:45 before leaving for their classes. All classes are concluded by 8:00pm.
Join us Sunday nights starting at 5:00pm for Mission classes. As we travel around the World to learn about the places we can serve as missionaries and the people we may never know any other way. We offer Mission Friends classes for ages 3yrs to Kindergarten. Children in Action classes for grades 1st-6th.
Then at 6:00pm Sunday nights children learn to Worship our living God through music and songs with Kids Choir. Our children are currently preparing for the Spring musical program to be performed in May.

For more information on our Kids Ministry, please contact Allison@booneschapel.org