This Week @Boones Chapel

Good Afternoon,
The staff says thank you to all Fall Festival volunteers and for your generous candy donations. Well done church! Our community will be blessed because of your generosity! To our volunteers, please be here at 5 Tuesday and report to the BC Gym/back parking lot area. (The church building will be locked) Also, please remember to park behind Mr. Gene’s house and lock your vehicle. If you have not volunteered and would like to, it is not too late. Helpers are always needed! Please email Allison at 
This Sunday, the church will begin accepting cake, cupcake, and cookie donations through Tuesday. We will need lots of each for our Cake & Cupcake Walks. There will be a table set up in the Fellowship Hall designated as a drop-off spot. THANK YOU CHURCH ONCE AGAIN FOR YOUR GENEROSITY! Our Great God is so good!
Also this Sunday, we will hold regular AM services, regular 5PM small groups and regular 6PM Kids Choir. Adults & Youth will meet in the Worship Center at 6PM to pray for our Fall Festival and we will begin our set-up process. YOU ARE NEEDED CHURCH! This annual endeavor does not work without THE CHURCH BEING THE CHURCH! The following week we will let everyone know of the follow-up opportunities and you will be called upon once again. Thank you for your energy, time, service, donations, and most importantly, for your prayers!
In His Service,
Amy Fray

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